Mission Statement
Our Mission is to create a vital, inviting downtown that promotes quality business, cultural and community growth.
Vision Statement
The Puyallup Main Street Association envisions a downtown business district that is alive, inviting, healthy and thriving while retaining its hometown, friendly charm. Our downtown will be a family-oriented place in which business owners and shoppers or clients know one another on a first-name basis. We want a downtown that everyone can feel proud of and enthusiastically show off to visitors. We believe a successful downtown business district should be the kind of place, where people can have fun, feel safe, earn a living, and make memories that last a lifetime. Downtown Puyallup has a rich history and a bright future. It is a unique city to which people will feel welcomed by those of us who call it home, and to which visitors will want to return time and again.
Main Street Approach
Main Street is a strategy for the renewal of our communities and downtowns, based on the experience of thousands of towns that have rejuvenated their central shopping districts. The Main Street approach is incremental. It does not produce instant change. Instant change, such as a pedestrian mall or a town “theme,” provides excitement and a sense of something happening, but usually fails. The underlying causes of decline in the downtown have not been treated. The Main Street approach is effective because it addresses those underlying causes while rebuilding a positive, coordinated image of the downtown. Effective Main Street programs focus on four areas simultaneously: