Balance Point Acupuncture in Corvallis, Oregon is dedicated to providing a calm and nurturing environment for individuals seeking Chinese Medicine. With a focus on holistic health and wellness, their experienced acupuncturist, Ondria Holub, utilizes Traditional Chinese Medicine theory and various modalities such as Gua Sha and Fire cups to address pain and promote healing. Through acupuncture, cupping, herbal medicine, and nutritional supplements, Balance Point Acupuncture offers natural care for chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia, depression, and more.
Recognized by the National Institute of Health and the World Health Organization, acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment for a wide range of medical concerns. Acupuncturists at Balance Point Acupuncture undergo extensive graduate training and adhere to strict guidelines to ensure the highest level of care. With sterile and disposable needles, acupuncture is a drug-free therapy that promotes relaxation and well-being, making it a trusted choice for those seeking natural healing in Corvallis, Oregon.
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