Victor D'Arrigo has produced stand-up comedy shows and events all over New York and New Jeresy for many years. A native Staten Islander Victor felt Staten Island needed a comedy club of it's own. Victor spent a few years looking for the right venue. He finally found the right venue in the Showplace Entertainment Center located at 141 East Service Road. The Showplace Entertainment Center was the dream location for a comedy club. It has plenty of parking. It is only 7 minutes from both The Goethals Bridge & OuterBridge. As well as 12 minutes from The Verrazano Bridge. The Looney Bin is off exit 7 (Victory Blvd) on The West shore Expressway. Victor wanted to bring the same caliber experience you would find at a Manhattan Comedy Club to Staten Island. That is exactly what The Looney Bin offers without the expense of traveling into Manhattan. The cover charge is only $15 and drinks are priced from $5-$8. Victors motto is Great Show, Great Food, Great Drinks for a Great Price!
The Looney Bin Comedy Club brings in national headliners with a mix of some of the top comedians on the New York Circuit. Why fight the traffic and parking in the Manhattan, when you can enjoy a fun night of laughs right here on Staten Island! Many organizations, schools, and sports teams have raised money through fundraising events. Call the Looney Bin for more information.