Jai Acupuncture is an Acupuncture only clinic with sliding scale fee of $80 per session in a group setting for those who otherwise cannot afford treatments. Happily serving NYC since 2006. After working as Acupuncture Physician on SS Constellation, Celebrity Cruises. My journey started in 1998 with a dream I had. I was told that the master is waiting for me at the door. I went to Oakland Ca, met Dr Wei Tsuei, immediately he admitted me into his school, The Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences. As time went on I developed a special technique realigning the body through natural movements without force. This technique enables the acupuncture to work more powerfully effective and faster so the body heals quicker. In earlier 2018, I received my spiritual name Jai Pavan Kuar, within a week the community acupuncture idea came to me. Jai means victory in Hindi and in Chinese means compassion and selfless giving.
Traditional Chinese Medicine including Acupuncture and herbal supplements.