Dr. Harold L. Freedman, is an Orthopedic Physician & Surgeon practicing at 496 Lynnfield Street, Union Hospital West Medical Building, in Lynn, Massachusetts. An Orthopedic Surgeon is a doctor who specializes in treatment and surgery on bones and joints. Orthopedic Surgeons often treat degenerative conditions in the bones and joints as well as serious injuries to the musculoskeletal system. In addition, Dr. Freedman treats Sports Injuries and, for over 30 years, served as the Team Physician for Swampscott MA School's team sports. Dr. Freedman's credentials include the following: Orthopedic Surgeon for Union Hospital Lynn MA & Salem Hospital Salem MA Assistant Clinical Professor Orthopedic Surgery at Tufts University School of Medicine Chief of Orthopedic Department at AtlantiCare Medical Center Consulting Staff at Spaulding Hospital North Shore Dr. Freedman has also authored articles on Orthopedic Treatments in several medical publications...