In 2009 we started a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation called Understand Up! International Ministries (UUIM) to help support Christian Missionaries and Indigenous Pastors, give away Bibles and drill water wells. After trying several different fundraising tactics, we felt led to start a thrift store to fund the ministry projects. Since 2011, the Drop-N-Shop Donation Center and Mercantile has been our flagship location that serves not only the Missionaries, but also our community and individuals.
We are a not-for-profit thrift store that specializes in getting new and slightly used donated items to our customers at extremely LOW prices. Pickups available by advance appointment (Monday 10-6. Other days and times considered by week notice only.) Funds go to support Christian Missionaries and Mission projects through our Parent Corporation, UnderStand Up! International Ministries, Inc. (UUIM).