Dr. Yasmin Harounian L.Ac. has been in practice since 2001, teaching Acupuncture both in Los Angeles and in Israel in her own private practice. She took five years off to do Consciousness Work, and then came back to integrate her new learnings to combine Consciousness Work with Stem Cell Acupuncture. The research has been done and the proof is now here in this day and age... Stem Cells really are stimulated through acupuncture and can help your body heal itself much faster than ever before - without the surgery, without the medication, and without the headache of diagnosis without cures. Dr. Yasmin is inspired to do this work because she likes to be on the cutting edge of medicine, always, and empowers her clients with healing modalities that treat mind, body, and spirit - reminding them of their own perfection.
Acupuncture Stem Cell, founded by Dr. Yasmin Harounian L. Ac., specializes in regenerative medicine, rejuvenating stem cells via acupuncture points. This provides natural pain relief (without drugs), a holistic cure for anxiety, depression, thyroid imbalance, joint pain, inflammation, bloating, sciatica, headaches, neck, back, knee pain, sleep disorders, IBS, and many more symptoms. Heal from the source with Stem Cell Acupuncture and Cupping, located at 2716 Ocean Park Blvd, suite 1063, in Santa Monica.