Sunrise Acupuncture Medical Center was established by Dr. Judy (Xiao) Zhu, Ph.D., O.M.D., L.Ac. in 1999 serving the Inland Empire. We provide Traditional Chinese Acupuncture therapies combined with Chinese herbs to cure illness's and improve overall health in the same office for the past eleven years. We receive many doctor referrals and patient referrals. Sunrise Acupuncture Medical Center is proud of the high quality patient care. Excellent clinic skill and abundant experience have benefited thousands of people. We hope to improve American peoples' health with nature, ancient, and modern Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Sunrise Acupuncture Medical Center is your home for Personal Injury, Sports Injury, Auto Accidents and General Wellness. We accept most health insurance, veteran health coverage, workers compensation and auto accident coverage. Dr. Zhu has proven success treating an array of conditions including pain (back, neck, wrist, knee, leg, etc.), sciatica, carpal tunnel, arthritis, bell's palsy, sports injuries, sprains, car accidents, muscle spasms, menopausal discomfort, effects of chemotherapy, hypertension, migraine, post surgery syndrome, diabetes, constipation, diarrhea, cystitis, tendonitis, neuritis, bursitis, neuralgia, headaches.