Novello John Productions is a Los Angeles-based music production company led by renowned composer and keyboardist John Novello. With a rich history in progressive jazz fusion, Novello has established himself as a rising star in the Smooth Jazz genre, delivering a captivating blend of lively, funk-filled romps and dreamy, sensual ballads. Collaborating with talented musicians such as Eric Marienthal, Jeff Ryan, and Jazmin Ghent, Novello's latest album "Good To Go" has garnered critical acclaim, reaching the number one spot on various charts, including the prestigious Billboard Jazz Chart.
Recently, Novello and his band wowed audiences at Rudy's Jazz Room in Nashville, showcasing their exceptional talent and leaving the crowd in awe. With a repertoire that spans decades and a knack for creating energetic yet elegant compositions, Novello continues to captivate listeners with his unique musical style.
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