Myung Mun Acupuncture LA opened in 2018. This clinic is a LA branch.
Acupuncture is the ancient art and science of regulating the body's physiology by inserting and stimulating very fine needles at designated points along the meridians. This restores the normal balance of vital energy and creates specific therapeutic effects in the body. Through the balanced flow of vital energy, the body is able to heal itself and maintain its own health. Magnetic acupuncture has been used in the East in many forms right up to the present. Today, the practice has evolved into applying tiny magnetic discs to acupuncture points. No negative side effects were observed. Acupuncture points along relevant meridians will be treated by taping tiny magnets to the skin. It is important to treat a chronic condition for a period of time after the pain is gone to insure complete healing, and even strengthening. This will make a relapse less likely.