Arthur Art is a renowned art gallery located in Sherman Oaks, CA, offering a diverse collection of original acrylic and watercolor paintings, sculptures, and gicle prints. Led by the talented artist Vicki Arthur, the gallery showcases vibrant and expressive artwork that evokes strong personal emotions through dominant primary colors, abstract movement, and planes.
Vicki Arthur, a native Californian, began her artistic career with exquisite designs in precious stones and metals before transitioning to painting with expressionist watercolors and acrylics. Her widely popular sports canvases have found homes in the private collections of sports legends and celebrities, while her sculptures have made appearances in films and commercials. With a passion for teaching, Vicki has also shared her artistic knowledge with organizations such as the Braille Institute and LAUSD's after-school program, Fun with Clay. As a member of esteemed art associations, Vicki continues to captivate art enthusiasts with her captivating creations exhibited in various galleries and shows.
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