After practicing conventional medicine for 24 years in Los Angeles I followed my dream and moved to Irvine California where I practiced Anti-aging/Functional medicine. Five years later I started my own practice and founded the American Institute of Natural Medicine. I am delighted to provide the kind of care that I always wanted for my patients.
Specialists in Bioidentical Hormone Therapy and Ozone Therapy - We believe that the best medical care is not simply treating symptoms; but finding the causes of the conditions and correcting them. The human body is an amazing creation with millions of intricate metabolic pathways and functions that work in harmony to keep us at optimal health. We care about each and every patient and work together to bring their health back. For our Hormone Replacement Therapy, we use Bioidentical or Natural Hormones only. We use hormone pellets or small implants inserted under the skin for treatment of menopausal in women and men with low testosterone. This form of therapy allows the hormones to be released slowly over a period of 3 months, simulating the function of the ovaries/testicles to produce the most natural effect. It is much superior to creams, pills or injections with minimal side effects. With regards to ozone therapy, this type of treatment has almost no side effects or complications when done by a skilled provider. Ozone gets its healing properties from the third atom of oxygen. When the third molecule of oxygen is released from ozone to convert back into O2, it attaches to the pathogens and kill them instantaneously. We also specialize in nutrition healing and IV nutrition. An excellent way to administer nutrients and other substances in the body, allowing faster and higher tissue penetration.